Thursday, September 18, 2008

I need "ME" Time!

I need some "me" time...

I have a friend that’s going through some issues in her life and she doesn’t know what to do? And actually that’s her favorite Phrase "I don’t know what to do?"
At times it can get annoying because some of her problems can obviously be fixed, but some may take time to heal. If she doesn’t figure something out quick it may heal improperly.
It seems like her past haunts her every time she starts something new. Maybe this could be the cause of her fear of committing to anything that she does. She loves to start new, but never finishes what she starts. If she keeps that up she’ll never know what to do. Is she afraid of the outcome? Or is she afraid of making a mistake?
This problem can affect every aspect in her life! She knows it’s an issues yet she doesn’t know how to stop it.
Everyone is telling her she needs her “me” time to figure everything out…I agree, but she also needs an assistant to keep her on the right track. That’s why I recommended for her to go see a counselor or therapist, because her problems are much deeper.
If I had to describe what “Me” time meant: I would say it is when you take the time to evaluate yourself and figure what’s the cause for my inconsistency. I would evaluate the people in my life and figure if they are a negative or positive in my life. I would set up short term goals. I would try to change the way I view people and the way I view life.

I can’t touch too much on this subject because this is not my problem it’s her problem. I just hope she can figure everything out. She knows how I feel about everything and you can say I know her better she knows herself. I hope she makes the right choices in life and who she allows in her life because everything that seems fun and good can be the devil disguise.
I can actually tell you she’s taking the necessary steps for recovery, but I hope she takes action from what she learns and not just attend to make “people” feel happy. This is something that she needs to take care of before she can make any major moves in her life.

1 comment:

Tha Management said...

I have a friend who had some very deep personal issues and finally was able to seek the counseling she needed many years later. Now she's much better than she was before and can really process the emotions that she is having.

Personally, I believe everyone needs to see a counselor when they have issues. There are a lot things that you can deal with on your own, but sometimes you need the outside perspective of a nuetral person to help steer your thoughts.

I hope your friend finds peace.

- Tha Management