Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Why are so many single good women?

Women standards are too high! That's what I believe. Have you women ever met a guy that was sweet and would do anything for you? *I bet you have.* It's that guy that’s there for you when you’re down, when you have a bad hair day but he still finds you beautiful. Yeah; I know all you women have someone like that in your life but he's not quite “what you’re looking for”. You want someone that is built, nice smile, can dress, and has a great job, emotionally in tuned, someone that can come to your rescue...etc...There’s too much. Guess what ladies? You’re not going to find him. Some of the guys that meet your physical standards tend to be cheaters. I laugh at those women that choose those men. (Exclude me ladies; I'm one of a kind lol)

I know some women were hurt from past relationships and it may cause you to raise your standards. I'm not saying raising your standards is a bad thing but raise it at a reasonable level.


Dondasaurus Rex said...

First things first, I'm super excited I'm an all star! I've never been one of those before=)

Onto the question, I think when anybody (self included) has been single for an extra long time they need to do some self evaluation. sometimes it's not what you'r looking for in other people, its what you're ignoring in your self. So if a "good" woman was single and it wasn't by choice then she might not be as good as she thinks she is or she is lookign for a guy that she may not really deserve. I don't however think that every hot guy is a cheater, I also don't think that woman would pass up a guy that "would do anything" because of the superficial reasons you listed. woman are nurtures so if they foudn a man that treated them well but wasn't a good dresser with a great body, they would more then likely label him a fixer upper and get to fixing! I'm going to stop rambling now...

SistaSocialite said...

Guess what... my stadards were high and I seemed to find that prototype guy and then some now what?? **raspberry** :)

KiAnna said...

...umm my standards were and still are reaching the skyline...I found mine..he's not perfect but he's reaching the mark...maybe its you..and the women you try to get

(all in love :))

Eryn said...

thanks for visiting my blog. now to comment on yours...i've met a guy who seemed to be cool so far of what i knew of him. but the physical attraction just wasn't there. i don't ask for much, mostly personality. i'm a clown, and i like someone i can match wits with, but there has to be SOME level of attraction. i went out with him a few times, but nothing changed. i think people like what they like and it's difficult to compromise b/c in the long run, if nothing changes, someone may get hurt.